The IEC Group of Institutions(IEC-GI) provides students with access and exposure to the most current facilities and opportunities in an enriching environment. Each facility provided, be it educational or recreational, compares with the best in the world. Maintenance and upgradation are high priority issues at IEC-GI. Internal processes are monitored closely, and are subjected to the most stringent quality criteria.
The IEC Group of Institutions takes into consideration the latest and advanced systems, methodologies and practices and provides facilities for case studies, analysis and project exposure. To this end, all the members of the faculty team at IEC-GI maintain close ties with global trends and practices.
Our future plans are based on our basic goal to incorporate all the latest, advanced systems and technologies prevalent in the developed countries of the world in our curriculum. Consequently, curriculum has the potential to facilitate technical skill development of a very high degree. In addition, the IEC Group of Institutions also intends to launch more programs like Fine Arts, B.Ed., Law, Para Medical to cater to the needs of students. Hence, we are in the process of providing newer higher education opportunities in the near future. Our infrastructure is already suited to large-scale expansion with abundant resource and facilities. The recruitment of well qualified administrative and academic staff members is an on-going process in IEC-GI to cater to the needs of all the academic programs.
To act as a catalyst in projecting the students who shall act as agents of change of in the society.To provide the best possible education facilities for training for bright careers in Engineering and Technology
• To emphasize on value based education through multi-grade modern teaching methodologies and techniques.
• To organize short-term intensive courses, conferences and seminars on current technological developments.
• To provide aid in term of research, development and consultancy, to promote contacts with the industry and to be of service to the Government and civic organizations.
• To organize quality improvement programmes for faculty members from various Engineering Colleges. From its very inception, the college is striving to develop itself into an institution of excellence in education and research in consonance with the contemporary and future needs of India.
• To fulfill this challenge, the college shall always make special efforts to recruit talented faculty from the world over by a stringent selection process.